Event Basic Details

Event Basic Details

In order to set a 'Pick up from School Ends' date, and to avoid paying shipping on each order, you need to fill out the Event Basic Details, with the school's address. If this is not completely filled out, customers will not be able to make purchases from this event. It is recommended that you test before sharing.

How do I fill out the Event Basic Details?

1. Go to IMAGES in the main navigation.

2. Select the event you wish to add details to.

3. Click the Event Details tab.


You must fill out all details on this form, including the address of the school, event tag and the event introduction (add a dash or other character to any fields that don't apply). Your clients will not be able to order unless all of these details are filled out.

Event introduction can be seen by your clients. Here you could add your contact details so they can easily discuss other product options with you, what type of event this photo shoot was for, or when ordering is due back by.

Add Pickup from School Ends Date

Once you've entered the Basic Details, you can set a Pickup from School Ends on date. 

1. From within the evet, select the field under 'Pickup from School Ends on'

2. A calendar will appear, select the date from the calendar. 
