Can you quote me for an album?

Instant cost estimates with our price calculators

You can get an instant cost estimate for books and albums — in fact all our products — using our price calculators in Workspace. You can view and compare prices on screen, and even print a PDF. 

Using the price calculators

You'll find the calculators under Prices in the main Workspace navigation. Select book and album prices, or other products. Then click the tab for the specific product category you're interested in. If you select specific details like the number of pages in an album, the cover material etc, the calculator will work out the total price in your local currency.

Please note: The price calculator displays our current prices, but please treat them as an estimate only, as there may be extra charges or taxes to consider … and you may also qualify for discounts! Read more about how our book and album pricing works.

Extra Charges Tab

Extra charges tab

Extra charges tab in Book & Album Prices.


Extra charges tab

Extra charges tab in Book & Album Prices.

Located within the Book & Album Prices is the Extra Charges tab. In this tab you can see the price of our Starter Kit, image editing and file handling fees, studio logo setup, non-standard charges and delivery fees.

Prices are an indication and are not final until invoiced.

Other Product Prices

Other product prices section.


Other product prices section.

You can view pricing of our other products, such as prints and wall art, by going to the Other Product Prices page. In this section you can also see our freight and colour correction charges.

Prices are an indication and are not final until invoiced.