We carefully select our materials from the best quality sources around the world — classic choices for the years ahead. Fine silk bookbinding fabrics from Japan … beautiful hides from France and Germany … exceptional leather alternatives.
You can view our extensive range of cover materials here.
Lots of pages? If your album will have 25 pages or more we highly recommend that you choose a leather cover material, as leather is best able to support the spine of an album with a lot of pages.
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For the "less-techy" articles, check our blog for product inspiration, photography celebration and more of the things we love.
Our job at Queensberry is to make your life as a photographer easier. Take a look at our services. From colour correction to digital art and album design, we’re here to help. We can even help set up your website.
We're a friendly bunch, here to look after your interests and sort out your problems — and we're looking forward to getting to know you. Email us: info@queensberry.com or call us on our free phones.