Wing and Flip Pages

Wing and Flip Pages 

These special matted page types can be added as optional extras to Queensberry’s Duo and Classic Matted albums. They can be Pagemount or Overlay style, and cost the same as the standard pages to which they are attached. They are not available in Flushmount or Overlay Matted albums.

Flip Pages

A Flip is an extension that opens out from the edge of the base page. Because it doubles the image display area it's spectacular for panoramas, or for a series of images designed to be viewed together. 


Wing Pages

A Wing attaches to the front of the base page instead of the edge, as a Flip does. It opens at the centre to reveal more images concealed beneath. In the image below, the wing page is being opened to reveal more photographs beneath. 


Flip and wing page example

Our friends over at HBA photography, filmed their 14x10 Duo album with two copy albums. Watch below to see Flip and Wing pages and how they transfer over to copy albums.